Edlinked are Capstone Specialist that brings an emerging learning experience to senior executives based on three stages of learning; understanding the theory, allowing creativity through project management and getting your hands dirty.
As the author from Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki would say, "learn from real teachers." We also believe that learning comes from "real teachers".
Our trainers teach subjects that they practice. So, OpenEd trainers are not just teachers, or coaches, or instructors, we are industry specialists that can give the insights and know-how to senior executives so they can make better strategies and decisions at work.
Our community engagement
August 22, 2022新鮮出爐,2021最後一份研究報告 上年12月17日FFI公佈我們被選中為"動盪時期下家族企業顧問的角色及建議"作研究,週二做了一個預發布,反應熱烈,得到各國私銀和獨立顧問的支持。 ...August 22, 2022呢兩年半參加的虛擬會議ge數量已遠遠超過我 2019 年之前參加過的線上課程及會議的總數。非常好,因為看到大家已經懂得善用線上空間,並利用技術創新連貫人際交往上亦邁出了一大步。宜家連我婆婆都用...August 22, 2022感謝香港演藝學院邀請參加香港回歸25周年音樂會。有幸與各官員企業家一同欣賞來自港珠澳的音樂精英表演。August 22, 2022再次感謝香港中文大學邀請我為訪問嘉賓。這次的直播訪問題目圍繞著企業的壽命。 證據為本管理 (Evidence-based management) 是我學習企業以實現長期增長管理學的重大概念之...
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